
Want to get hold of one or more of our back issues? Well now you can!

Our downloadable digital magazines consist of an interactive PDF. This can be viewed on any Apple or Android devices such as tablets, mobile phones and desktop computers.

Hows does it work?

After you complete your order with us (through the checkout), our interactive PDF will be available for you to download. A back-up copy will also be stored in your library (My Account > Downloads).

Some of what’s inside:

Rescue Stories – The Tiniest Ever Babies: From Alex Winterford of Gold Coast Guinea Pig Rescue, the story of two tiny babies Yvie and Bubbles, and how they survived.

Celebrities on Instagram – An absolute festival for the eyes! Meet the OfficialPigDad, and see how his pigs wow and wonder at his stunning photos!

Love Songs to Guinea Pigs – Comedian, Piggy lover and brand new Columnist. It’s Elf Lyon’s take on life with her own (expanding) piggy family.

Days of Their Lives – Part 1: Babies, and the first day of life. A new series from Piggy whispering Wiebke Wiese-Thomas, we look at the different stages of life and the challenges each brings.

The Piggy Artists – Our serious feature where we concentrate on ‘the arts and culture’. However, this time the Artist in the spotlight… is a piggy, and he’s from Ace’s Amazing Tricks!

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