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Some of what’s inside:

A Difficult Year For Australia’s Rescues! – It has been especially hard for rescues in Australia, while battling a second wave of Coronavirus, they face imminent danger from bushfires. Not to mention the increase in surrenders…

The Piggy Artists – We talk to super talented pencil artist Patrycja Pacholska about her stunning photo-realistic drawings.

The Real Celeb-Piggies of Instagram – Nuts and Chips: By Vanessa Rassel from Luxembourg. Meet Nuts and Chips and the rest of the gang. Real celebrities of social media with over 28 thousand followers of these gorgeous piggies.

My Special Needs Pig – A Reader’s Story. When Robin came to Jessica he had loom bands tied round his feet, and he ended up losing a leg. But his horrific start in life hasn’t stopped this little 3-legged fuzz ball.

Veterinary Drugs Explained – By Expert Kim Halford MRCVS. Just Say Know, with our new medical series which de-mystifies some of the medicines that your vet may prescribe for your guinea.

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